Vue d'ensemble du centre de traitement des commandes

Qu'est-ce qu'un fulfillment center?

Les termes « entrepôt » et « centre de traitement des commandes » sont souvent utilisés de manière interchangeable. Pourtant, ils présentent des différences majeures : le premier terme désigne uniquement le stockage de marchandises, tandis que le second englobe des services supplémentaires.

Un centre de distribution fournit non seulement l’espace de stockage nécessaire, mais aussi des services qui couvrent l’ensemble du processus d’exécution des commandes. Ces services vont de la réception des marchandises à l’expédition et à la gestion des retours.

Les détaillants en ligne peuvent déléguer diverses tâches logistiques, telles que la préparation des commandes, le stockage, l’emballage et l’expédition. Les principaux avantages d’un centre de traitement des commandes sont évidents : tout d’abord, vous économisez les coûts liés à votre propre entrepôt et à votre personnel.

En outre, vous bénéficiez d’un gain de temps considérable : vous pouvez investir les ressources libérées dans des processus essentiels tels que le marketing, le développement de produits ou l’expansion.

Les tâches d'un centre de distribution

The main function of a fulfilment service provider is to store inventory and carry out order processing. The basic services of an e-commerce fulfilment center include:

  1. Goods receipt:
    The retailer delivers the goods to the fulfilment center or the fulfilment provider collects them from the customer’s warehouse or its supplier.
  2. Receiving:
    It can take place in a fulfilment center by carton, pallet or piece. The scope, quality, completeness and correct labelling are checked before the goods are entered into the system.
  3. Storage:
    The distribution center takes care of the storage of your goods depending on the product group. Most fulfilment center specialise, for example, in fashion, food, cosmetics, heavy and bulky goods, etc.The processes and premises are adapted in relation to the core products.
    If required, special shelving and storage systems are provided. There is also the possibility of temperature monitoring, humidity control, etc.
  1. Processing of orders:
    There are several variants of cooperation here. For example, the retailer can inform the fulfilment service provider itself about new orders. Alternatively, the retailer grants the fulfilment center access to the administration area of the website or the marketplaces.
    Another option: the fulfilment provider integrates itself into the retailer’s system and accepts the orders automatically.
  2. Sorting / packing:
    The fulfilment center staff assembles the orders and gets them ready for shipment. The packaging can either be brand-specific or neutral (i.e. from the distribution center). This is a matter of your preferences and brand policy.
  3. Shipping / Delivery:
    This step is about handing over the orders to transport companies and courier services. The fulfilment service provider can also deliver the parcels itself, depending on the agreement.
    Some fulfilment center offer additional services, including gift wrapping or the insertion of flyers and vouchers.
  4. Returns management:
    Returned goods with undamaged packaging are usually taken back by the fulfilment center for goods acceptance. Returns processing usually also includes quality control and communication with end customers.

You can outsource your e-commerce logistics processes to a fulfilment center depending on your individual needs. Many providers score points for their scalable scope of services, so that you can add or cancel the individual services if the company situation requires this.

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